Cast of Characters
Mr. Bumble runs the workhouse where Oliver finds himself in the beginning of the show. He is cold, cruel, and he doesn’t care one bit about the boys in his workhouse. Cast a good actor and decent singer who reads as older onstage and makes a good team with Widow Corney.
Widow Corney
Widow Corney runs the workhouse along with Mr. Bumble. She is cold and calculating, like Mr. Bumble, and only cares that the work gets done and puts money in her pocket. Cast a good actor and singer who works well with Mr. Bumble.
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist is the 11-year-old orphan around which the whole plot of the show revolves. Oliver is intelligent and kind, but he is not afraid to stand up for himself when the situation calls for it. He longs for a family and escapes to London to try to make his fortune – though he has no idea what adventures await him there! Ideally, Oliver should read as younger onstage, but a great singer with a strong stage presence is more important than a physically smaller actor.œ
Mr. Sowerberry
Mr. Sowerberry is the undertaker who purchases Oliver from Mr. Bumble. He is a callous man who does not treat Oliver much better than Mr. Bumble. He does not sing a solo but should be an actor that pairs well with Mrs. Sowerberry.
Mrs. Sowerberry
Mrs. Sowerberry gives Oliver scraps left for the dog to eat. She, like her husband, does not care at all for Oliver’s well-being and only wants him to work. Cast an actor who pairs well with Mr. Sowerberry.
Charlotte works for the Sowerberrys. She is kinder to Oliver than the others in the Sowerberry home, but not by much. Charlotte has a few lines but does not sing, so feel free to cast a performer new to the stage in this role.
Noah Claypole
Noah Claypole works for the Sowerberrys. He is a mean, nasty person who insults Oliver’s mother on purpose to upset him. Noah should read as older onstage than Oliver and have good stage presence. He does not have to sing.
Artful Dodger
The Artful Dodger, a.k.a. Jack Dawkins, is one of the most famous characters in literature. He is charming, upbeat, and charismatic. Though Dodger works for Fagin as a thief, he is the first person to show Oliver real kindness and gives him a place to belong. Cast a great singer and actor who exudes charm and commands the stage.
Fagin recruits, trains, and manages a gang of child-thieves. Though he claims he cares for each of his children, providing them food and shelter and characteristically calling them “my dear,” he’s really only concerned with the money these young thieves bring in. Cast a charismatic actor with a robust voice who can portray Fagin’s nuanced charm.
Charlie Bates
Charlie Bates is one of Fagin’s child-thieves. He is a great admirer of the Artful Dodger and an accomplished pocket-picker. Cast a good actor and singer in this fun role.
Nipper is the smallest member of Fagin’s gang. He has a small solo but no lines, so cast an actor of a smaller stature who can sing in this role.
The CAPTAIN and HANDWALKER are children in Fagin’s gang. They each have small solos, so make sure these actors are comfortable singing onstage.
The CAPTAIN and HANDWALKER are children in Fagin’s gang. They each have small solos, so make sure these actors are comfortable singing onstage.
Nancy is an adventurous young lady with a heart of gold who has fallen in with the wrong crowd. She is vivacious and kind, the life of the party, and she immediately takes Oliver under her wing. Unfortunately, she is involved with Bill Sikes, who is a troublesome person. Cast a fantastic actress and great singer in this dynamic role.
Bet is a friend of Nancy’s who shares her spirited nature and sense of adventure. Like Nancy, Bet has a kind heart but has fallen upon hard times. Cast a reliable singer and dancer who pairs well with Nancy.
Mr. Brownlow
Mr. Brownlow is a sweet man who takes Oliver in, even after Oliver has picked his pocket. Oliver is familiar to Mr. Brownlow immediately, even though he has no idea that Oliver is his grandchild. Mr. Brownlow doesn’t have any solos, so he does not have to be a singer. This role is perfect for a strong, caring actor.
Bill Sikes
Bill Sikes is a quintessential villain. He is mean, selfish, and ruthless, and he always looks out for number one. He bullies everyone around him, especially Nancy, and is paranoid, always afraid that people will betray him. Cast a terrific actor and consistent singer who can lean into this character’s menacing presence.
The Chairman is a small featured role in the Three Cripples Public House. His few lines are crucial to the storytelling, so be sure to cast an actor in this role who has solid diction and can project.
Mrs. Bedwin
Mrs. Bedwin is Mr. Brownlow’s kindhearted housekeeper. This is a lovely featured role for a singer and actor who reads as older onstage.
The MILKMAID, STRAWBERRY SELLER, KNIFE GRINDER, and ROSE SELLER are featured roles that fill out the world of Oliver! JR. They all have solos, so cast good singers in these roles. These roles are great for younger performers who may not be ready to take on a larger part.
Strawberry Seller
The MILKMAID, STRAWBERRY SELLER, KNIFE GRINDER, and ROSE SELLER are featured roles that fill out the world of Oliver! JR. They all have solos, so cast good singers in these roles. These roles are great for younger performers who may not be ready to take on a larger part.
Knife Grinder
The MILKMAID, STRAWBERRY SELLER, KNIFE GRINDER, and ROSE SELLER are featured roles that fill out the world of Oliver! JR. They all have solos, so cast good singers in these roles. These roles are great for younger performers who may not be ready to take on a larger part.
Rose Seller
The MILKMAID, STRAWBERRY SELLER, KNIFE GRINDER, and ROSE SELLER are featured roles that fill out the world of Oliver! JR. They all have solos, so cast good singers in these roles. These roles are great for younger performers who may not be ready to take on a larger part.
Dr. Grimwig
Dr. Grimwig is a featured acting role. He is extremely intelligent but a bit pessimistic, especially compared to Mr. Brownlow. Cast a character actor who will enjoy playing an older character onstage in this non-singing role.
Old Sally
OLD SALLY and the MATRON confirm that Oliver is Agnes’s son, and therefore Mr. Brownlow’s grandson. These featured roles do not have solos, so they are perfect for actors who can deliver their important lines clearly.
OLD SALLY and the MATRON confirm that Oliver is Agnes’s son, and therefore Mr. Brownlow’s grandson. These featured roles do not have solos, so they are perfect for actors who can deliver their important lines clearly.
The large ensemble in Oliver! JR. fills out the world of the musical. The ensemble roles include CHILDREN (including CHILD), WORKHOUSE GOVERNORS, SERVANTS, MAID, DELIVERY PERSON, PAUPER ASSISTANTS, PEOPLE IN THE CITY (including PASSING MAN), FAGIN’S GANG, POLICEMAN, CUSTOMERS at the Three Cripples Public House, STREET SELLERS, MARKET SELLERS, CROWD in the Town square (including FIRST WOMAN, SECOND WOMAN, THIRD WOMAN and FIRST MAN), PEOPLE and POLICE at London Bridge (including LAMPLIGHTER, FIRST RUNNER, POLICE 1, POLICE 2).